Download OpenAPI specification:Download
Domestic Postal System (DPS) API for Developers.
Universal Postal Union
International Bureau
Weltpoststrasse 4
3000 Bern 15
DPS External API Service supports the following use cases:
Security Scheme Type | OAuth2 |
clientCredentials OAuth Flow | Token URL: Refresh URL: Scopes:
The “connect/token” endpoint is used to programmatically refresh tokens that are required to access DPS API resources.
Implemented by DPS.Services.Identity
and exposed by Ocelot gateway.
Grant type parameter is changed to refresh_token
and you need to provide refresh token instead of user credentials.
Supplied user name and password are valid
Authentication fails
Authentication fails
curl -i -X POST \ '' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \ -d client_id=string \ -d client_secret=string \ -d grant_type=string \ -d scope=string \ -d username=string \ -d password=string
{- "access_token": "0kq-fxBLR1sQZF69znZ2ENGGpo5eMi8vrLVFSrf0jVU",
- "expires_in": 600,
- "token_type": "Bearer",
- "refresh_token": "s5fs5T6aHBXPAJnQvbOMLDAn8M20H0-7AQLNdlJO_ZE",
- "scope": "DPSEXT offline_access openid",
- "userInfo": {
- "UserEmail": "",
- "UserFullName": "Admin",
- "ExternalReferenceId": 1,
- "Facilities": [
- {
- "Id": 1,
- "Code": "BHBAHA",
- "Name": "Bahrain Post",
- "Functions": [
- {
- "Id": 2,
- "Name": "Manage users"
The “revoke-token” endpoint allows revoking DPS API access tokens. Revokes bearer token provided in HTTP header Authorization and optionally refresh token provided in HTTP request body.
Token has been successfully revoked
Not authenticated or expired token
{- "refresh_token": "[refresh_token]"
Get Mail Item(s) by Main Item ID operation
) or dps_bearerThe request to retrieve a mail item has been successful
Not authenticated or expired token
Not authorized to perform this operation
Mail item not found
curl -i -X GET \ '' \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_TOKEN_HERE>'
{- "Id": "12f4283b-7cd2-4a09-b02b-0b32a5132e09",
- "MainIdentifier": "CA000000001AZ",
- "MailProductType": "Parcel_intl",
- "State": "BPROC",
- "Weight": "10",
- "OriginCountry": "BH",
- "SenderName": "sender",
- "SenderAddress": "address",
- "SenderPostcode": "postcode",
- "SenderCity": "city",
- "SenderPhone": "phone",
- "SenderEmail": "email",
- "SenderPOBox": "pobox",
- "DestinationCountry": "IT",
- "RecipientName": "recipient",
- "RecipientAddress": "address",
- "RecipientPostcode": "postcode",
- "RecipientCity": "city",
- "RecipientPhone": "phone",
- "RecipientEmail": "email",
- "RecipientPOBox": "pobox",
- "DeliveryInstructions": "instructions",
- "AlternateIdentifier": "id",
- "PostalStatus": "01",
- "DeliveryServiceType": "1",
- "CODAmount": {
- "Amount": "10",
- "Currency": "BHD"
}, - "ConsumerRegistrationNumber": "123",
- "AlternativeDeliveryAddress": "address",
- "AlternativeDeliveryPostcode": "postcode",
- "AlternativeDeliveryCity": "city",
- "InsuredAmount": {
- "Amount": "10",
- "Currency": "BHD"
}, - "CODBIC": "123",
- "CODIBAN": "123",
- "CustomerChargingArrangement": "DDP",
- "DeliveryCharges": [
- {
- "Type": "Duties",
- "Value": 2,
- "Currency": "BHD"
], - "MailItemEvents": [
- {
- "Id": "8c30a310-03cb-445a-8c8f-84f7e54a55ec",
- "EventTimeStamp": "12/10/2020 4:11:41 PM",
- "Facility": "BHBAHA",
- "EventType": "03",
- "Condition": "string",
- "Pick-upPoint": "string",
- "Signature": "string",
- "DeliveryAgent": "string",
- "SignatoryName": "string",
- "Reason": "string",
- "Action": "string",
- "property1": "string",
- "property2": "string"
], - "property1": "string",
- "property2": "string"
Update Mail Item operation
) or dps_bearerOperation successfully executed
Invalid mail item object
Not authenticated or expired token
Not authorized to perform this operation
Mail item with a given unique identifier not found
{- "ForceDuplicate": false,
- "Identifier": "EE000006452BH",
- "MailProductType": "EMS - AUT",
- "EventType": "03",
- "Username": "SuperAdmin",
- "Facility": "0006-1",
- "Timestamp": "2020-03-19T16:25:30.666 +03:00",
- "MailItemAttributes": "string",
- "EventAttributes": "string",
- "DeliveryCharges": [
- {
- "DeliveryChargeTypeCode": "Duties",
- "CurrencyCode": "AED",
- "Amount": 200
{- "OperationResult": "MailItemUpdated",
- "MailItemUniqueId": "6b4cf4e2-474e-48b0-97db-5dd4b9c4a7e4"
Get Mail Item by Unique ID operation
) or dps_bearerThe request to retrieve mail items has been successful
Not authenticated or expired token
Not authorized to perform this operation
curl -i -X GET \ '' \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_TOKEN_HERE>'
[- {
- "Id": "12f4283b-7cd2-4a09-b02b-0b32a5132e09",
- "MainIdentifier": "CA000000001AZ",
- "MailProductType": "Parcel_intl",
- "State": "BPROC",
- "Weight": "10",
- "OriginCountry": "BH",
- "SenderName": "sender",
- "SenderAddress": "address",
- "SenderPostcode": "postcode",
- "SenderCity": "city",
- "SenderPhone": "phone",
- "SenderEmail": "email",
- "SenderPOBox": "pobox",
- "DestinationCountry": "IT",
- "RecipientName": "recipient",
- "RecipientAddress": "address",
- "RecipientPostcode": "postcode",
- "RecipientCity": "city",
- "RecipientPhone": "phone",
- "RecipientEmail": "email",
- "RecipientPOBox": "pobox",
- "DeliveryInstructions": "instructions",
- "AlternateIdentifier": "id",
- "PostalStatus": "01",
- "DeliveryServiceType": "1",
- "CODAmount": {
- "Amount": "10",
- "Currency": "BHD"
}, - "ConsumerRegistrationNumber": "123",
- "AlternativeDeliveryAddress": "address",
- "AlternativeDeliveryPostcode": "postcode",
- "AlternativeDeliveryCity": "city",
- "InsuredAmount": {
- "Amount": "10",
- "Currency": "BHD"
}, - "CODBIC": "123",
- "CODIBAN": "123",
- "CustomerChargingArrangement": "DDP",
- "DeliveryCharges": [
- {
- "Type": "Duties",
- "Value": 2,
- "Currency": "BHD"
], - "MailItemEvents": [
- {
- "Id": "8c30a310-03cb-445a-8c8f-84f7e54a55ec",
- "EventTimeStamp": "12/10/2020 4:11:41 PM",
- "Facility": "BHBAHA",
- "EventType": "03",
- "Condition": "string",
- "Pick-upPoint": "string",
- "Signature": "string",
- "DeliveryAgent": "string",
- "SignatoryName": "string",
- "Reason": "string",
- "Action": "string",
- "property1": "string",
- "property2": "string"
], - "property1": "string",
- "property2": "string"
Create or Update Mail Item operation
Operation successfully executed
Invalid mail item object
Not authenticated or expired token
Not authorized to perform this operation
{- "ForceDuplicate": "false",
- "Identifier": "EE000006452BH",
- "MailProductType": "EMS - AUT",
- "EventType": "03",
- "Username": "SuperAdmin",
- "Facility": "0006-1",
- "Timestamp": "2020-03-19T16:25:30.666 +03:00",
- "MailItemAttributes": "string",
- "EventAttributes": "string",
- "DeliveryCharges": [
- {
- "DeliveryChargeTypeCode": "Duties",
- "CurrencyCode": "AED",
- "Amount": 200
[- {
- "OperationResult": "MailItemCreated",
- "MailItemUniqueId": "6b4cf4e2-474e-48b0-97db-5dd4b9c4a7e4"
The delivery-agent\{delivery_agent_id}/dnls
endpoint represents a list of DNLs for a given delivery agent.
Get Delivery Notification Lists for Delivery Agent operation
) or dps_bearerThe request to retrieve delivery notification lists for a given delivery agent has been successful
Bad request: Invalid facility id
Not authenticated or expired token
Not authorized to perform this operation
Delivery agent with a given unique identifier does not exist
curl -i -X GET \ '' \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_TOKEN_HERE>'
{- "Id": "1",
- "Label": "SuperAdmin",
- "Items": {
- "Id": "559a5cb3-5364-477d-aec8-58b323d22a2f",
- "MainIdentifier": "bulk110200000006564",
- "MailProductType": "Bulk",
- "State": "BPROC",
- "Weight": "10",
- "OriginCountry": "IT",
- "SenderName": "string",
- "SenderAddress": "string",
- "SenderPostcode": "string",
- "SenderCity": "NAPOLI",
- "SenderPhone": "string",
- "SenderEmail": "string",
- "DestinationCountry": "IT",
- "RecipientName": "RAF",
- "RecipientAddress": "address",
- "RecipientPostcode": "postcode",
- "RecipientCity": "city",
- "RecipientPhone": "phone",
- "RecipientEmail": "email",
- "AlternateIdentifier": "id",
- "PostalStatus": "01",
- "DeliveryServiceType": "1",
- "CODAmount": {
- "Amount": "10",
- "Currency": "BHD"
}, - "ConsumerRegistrationNumber": "123",
- "AlternativeDeliveryAddress": "address",
- "AlternativeDeliveryPostcode": "postcode",
- "AlternativeDeliveryCity": "city",
- "InsuredAmount": {
- "Amount": "10",
- "Currency": "BHD"
}, - "CODBIC": "123",
- "CODIBAN": "123",
- "CustomerChargingArrangement": "DDP"
The delivery-app/reference-data
endpoint can be used to retrieve DPS reference data that is required by the Delivery App.
Get Reference Data for Delivery App operation
) or dps_bearerThe request to retrieve DPS reference data has been successful
Not authenticated or expired token
Not authorized to perform this operation
curl -i -X GET \ '' \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_TOKEN_HERE>'
{- "PickupPoints": [
- {
- "Id": 0,
- "Code": "string",
- "Name": "string",
- "OpeningHours": "string"
], - "ProductTypes": [
- {
- "Code": "string",
- "Name": "string",
- "DeliveryCharges": [
- {
- "DeliveryChargeType": {
- "Code": "string",
- "Name": "string"
}, - "DefaultAmount": 0,
- "CurrencyCode": "string"
], - "NonDeliveryAttributes": [
- {
- "Name": "string",
- "Label": "string",
- "Type": "object",
- "IsMandatory": true,
- "DataSource": {
- "Type": "StandardCollection",
- "Name": "string"
}, - "Regex": "string"
], - "DeliveryAttributes": [
- {
- "Name": "string",
- "Label": "string",
- "Type": "object",
- "IsMandatory": true,
- "DataSource": {
- "Type": "StandardCollection",
- "Name": "string"
}, - "Regex": "string"
], - "NonDeliveryEventCode": "string",
- "DeliveryEventCode": "string"
], - "StandardCollections": [ ],
- "CustomCollections": [ ],
- "PaymentMethods": [
- {
- "Code": "string",
- "Name": "string",
- "MinimumAmount": 0,
- "MaximumAmount": 0
], - "Disclaimers": [
- {
- "Code": "string",
- "Name": "string"
The mail-services/po-box-subscription
endpoint can be used to create a PO Box subscription.
Create PO Box subscription
) or dps_bearerOperation successfully executed
Invalid PO Box subscription object
Not authenticated or expired token
Not authorized to perform this operation
{- "CustomerCode": "string",
- "CustomerIDNumber": "12345",
- "POBoxNumber": "madel12",
- "RentType": "Personal",
- "SubscriptionPeriod": "Custom",
- "ActiveFrom": "2020-11-04",
- "ActiveTo": "2020-11-15",
- "AutomaticRenewal": false,
- "IsPaid": true
{- "OperationResult": "POBoxSubcriptionCreated",
- "poBoxSubscriptionUniqueId": "[ID of the created PO Box subscription]"